Saskatoon RMT
Worker's Comp & SGI Injury Claims
Regain Your Quaility Of Life
Motor Vehicle & Workplace Injury
Recover From Your Injuries
Saskatoon RMT Therapists are certified to treat and rehabilitate to help you regain your quality of life. If it was a motor vehicle accident or a workplace injury Healing Starts Here with StoonRMT. Provide your claim number for FREE treatment.

WCB Claims - Massage Therapy
The WCB limits the number of massage therapy treatments to five sessions per claim. The WCB will not reimburse payment for additional massage therapy treatments.
If the injured worker’s recovery does not progress, contact the worker’s primary care provider, who can request advanced assessment and treatment, or expedited appointments, if required.
Return to work should generally be part of each worker’s treatment plan. For more information, see our Recovery and Return to Work brochure.
Catlin Matheson RMT
is an accredited WCB Therapists
What to do if you’re injured at work
WCB claims can only be used for Massage Therapy. When booking your appointment be sure to inform the front staff if your complaint is related to either a workplace injury or a motor vehicle accident.
See a healthcare professional if you need medical care
Report the injury promptly to your employer
Use the Worker’s Initial Report of Injury (WI) to report the injury
Employers must report to the WCB within 5 days of learning about the injury
Use the Employer Initial Report of Injury (EI) to report the injury
The above forms can be completed and electronically filed from the website: wcbsask.com
What to do if you’re injured in a motor vehicle accident
Both Our Acupuncturists & Massage Therapists are accredited for SGI claims.
Refer to https://www.sgi.sk.ca/individuals/claims/injuryclaims.html for instructions
SGI Claims -
Massage Therapy & Acupuncture
We can treat patients in a car accident and have an injury claim number from SGI. When booking the appointment, please notify our receptionist so we can reserve extra time to allow the necessary paperwork to be completed with the appropriate provider.
The SGI limits the number of massage therapy treatments to five or ten sessions per claim. SGI will not reimburse payment for additional massage therapy treatments.
Jenel Maruk RMT
Shane Wilkie RMT
Catlin Matheson RMT
Dr. Xin Zhong MD Dr. Acu
are all accredited SGI Therapists
Saskatoon's Postural Corrective Exercise Specialist
Working with an injured body takes specialized training. We become more vulnerable to injury, during Rehabilitation and return to work.
It’s no wonder so many of us get stuck when they go through healing. We aren’t exercising in a system that supports them.
If we are taught how to manage pressure properly and with great technique, then many cases of prolonged healing could be prevented.
Saskatoon's Postural Rehabilitation Corrective
Exercise Specialist
A Weath Of Knowlegde For Injury Claims
Working With StoonRMT you will learn the best corrective exercises that go way beyond clams, bridges, and planks to use for improving alignment, strength, and finding the source of the problem.
On top of that, you will gain a working knowledge of the small tweaks needed to make each individual exercise more effective from beginner to advanced athlete.
We also pull from a lot of different perspectives, many tools in the toolbox so to speak, so you’ll get a wide range of approaches and develop a great appreciation for the big picture and whole body holistic approach.
It bridges the gap between training and rehab.
Who Would Benefit From A Program Like This?
Anyone with pelvic floor issues, diastasis recti, SI joint dysfunction, and low back pain.
Workplace & Motor Vehicle Recovery At StoonRMT In Saskatoon